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Customer testimonials

Wild Horses in Black & White

Andrea M.

My horse had Laminitis in November 2018. Anna accompanied us during the acute Laminitis. She explained to me the different paths that we can go, pointed to the pros and cons and always spoke to me as equals. She always gave me the feeling that I could ask anything.
She also helped us during rehabilitation and was always available to me. Thanks to Anna, my horse is completely healthy again today. Her knowledge and experience are worth gold.

Wild Horses in Black & White

Alina T.

It happened slowly. Every year over the summer my horse gained a little weight, but did not lose weight in the winter. In the summer of 2020, EMS was identified with IR. I then contacted Anna, who checked the nutrition, training and accommodation and helped us get back on the right track. My mare has now lost 100 kg slowly and in a controlled manner with an individual training program and diet, without starving.

Wild Horses in Black & White

Tina R.

It's been a year since my horse had a acute laminitis. Anna supported us during the rehabilitation year. She advised me when it was the best moment to have control x-ray pictures taken, how the feeding and exercise can be designed, at what speed I trained my horse again. Thanks to Anna, my horse is now fully resilient again and the damage from acute laminitis has been remedied.

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